Classes & Workshops
Whether you’re searching for trauma informed resources, professional development, or support groups for moms, you’ll find them in my classes and workshops. They’re for parents and professionals who are ready to learn more.
Successful Slide Presentations: Content For Coaches
This six-week course will help you create, refine, and practice your own, unique Forward Facing®️ presentation so you’ll be ready to share Forward Facing®️ with clients, colleagues, and peers.
You’ll receive,
- a 15-minute consultation before the course begins
- a 15-minute consultation at the conclusion of the course
- sample videos and step-by-step instructions
- personalized feedback from your instructor and your peers
Successful Slide Presentations: Presentations For Professionals
This six-week course This will help you create, refine, and practice your own, unique Forward Facing®️ presentation so you’ll be ready to share Forward Facing®️ with a professional audience.
You’ll receive,
- a 30-minute consultation before the course begins
- a 30-minute consultation at the conclusion of the course
- sample videos and step-by-step instructions
- personalized feedback from your instructor and your peers
STEP into Emotional Freedom
If you’re ready to experience the life changing benefits of of EFT, take the next STEP—into Emotional Freedom. In this engaging 90 minute workshop, you’ll learn how to use basic EFT to address everyday stress, anxiety and overwhelm. Follow me on Facebook or join my newsletter to stay informed about upcoming classes, workshops, and events.
EFT for Self-CARE
If you’re ready to learn more about Emotional Freedom Techniques, register for EFT for Self-CARE. You’ll learn five simple Emotional Freedom Techniques that you can easily integrate into your daily routine.
BE SPECIFIC: It’s the Key to EFT
If you’re ready to take your Emotional Freedom Techniques to the next level, register for BE SPECIFIC: It’s the key to EFT! In this five week series, you’ll learn simple strategies to enhance the your basic EFT skills.
SOAR! is an innovative program designed to help parents teach Self-Observation, Awareness and Regulation to their children. Practice these fundamental skills yourself and teach your child to SOAR! Follow me on Facebook or subscribe to my newsletter to stay informed about upcoming classes, workshops and events.
BE SPECIFIC: From Patterns of the Past to Pathways of Possibility
Would you like to share EFT with others? This one-day workshop provides an overview of basic neuroscience and opportunities for parents and professionals to practice sharing EFT with others.
The Lies We Tell Ourselves, and Why We Believe Them
Preventing Compassion Fatigue – A Workshop for Parents
In this 90 minute workshop, you’ll learn simple and effective strategies for self-regulation that will help you prevent compassion fatigue while caring for children with a history of trauma from hard places. Follow me on Facebook or subscribe to my newsletter to stay informed about upcoming classes and workshops, and events.
An Event for Women.
If you’re tired of working hard, trying hard, doing hard things . . . and wishing life could be easier … you can ABIDE in JOY!
Life is difficult but it doesn’t have to be hard.
You’re invited to…
- experience a deeper connection with yourself, others, & God
- examine the desires of your heart
- explore your unique calling
- envision your dreams with increased clarity and purpose
- express your creativity in the company of women
You’ll enjoy…
- personal reflection
- sharing with others
- creating a vision board to take home with you
Trauma Competent Caregiver Training (TCC)
TCC provides support, education, and resources for foster and adoptive parents and helping professionals who specialize in trauma care. The Trauma Competent Caregiver curriculum can be tailored to offer a three-day training event, a two-day event or a one-day event.
Introduction to Trauma Competent Caregiving is a one-day training event that provides support, education and resources for parents and helping professionals who care for children from “hard places.”
This training provides a framework for understanding the behavioral and emotional challenges faced by vulnerable children, and strategies to offer trauma-informed care.
Follow me on Facebook or join my newsletter to stay informed about upcoming classes, workshops, and events.
Trauma Informed Care is a two-day training event that provides support, education and resources for helping professionals and parents of children from “hard places.”
This two-day training provides participants with the 7 Essential Skills of Trauma Competent Caregiving through an examination of the core principles of trauma care.
Follow me on Facebook or join my newsletter to stay informed about upcoming classes, workshops, and events.
The Advanced Trauma Competent Caregiving Training is a three-day training event that provides an in depth examination of tools to assess the needs of vulnerable children, strategies to offer trauma informed care, real-life case studies, and extended time in small group learning activities.
Follow me on Facebook or join my newsletter to stay informed about upcoming classes, workshops, and events.