Professional Development
Laurie Heyl, LCSW – The Coach’s Coach
Whether you’re a newly credentialed EFT Practitioner, a Forward Facing® Coach, or a seasoned therapist expanding your practice, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) and Forward Facing® Health and Wellness Coaching can help you pursue your purpose, passion, and calling while caring for yourself and your clients.
As a therapist with more than 25 years of experience in private practice, an Accredited, Certified Advanced EFT Practitioner, and a Certified Forward Facing Health & Wellness Coach, I’m passionate about coaching and mentoring Practitioners and Coaches who are ready to share EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) and Forward Facing® Coaching strategies with clients, colleagues and peers.
Forward Facing® Coaches
With programs like Forward Facing® Content for Clients,© and Forward Facing® Presentations for Professionals© I help Forward Facing Health & Wellness Coaches and Forward Facing Professional Resilience Coaches share Forward Facing concepts and with clients, colleagues and peers in concise, conversational language.
EFT Practitioners
As an Accredited, Certified Advanced EFT Practitioner & Coach, I offer a variety of programs that will help you take your EFT skills to the next level. With online courses like BE SPECIFIC: It’s the key to EFT© and workshops like BE SPECIFIC: From Patterns of the Past to Pathways of Possibility,© you can earn CPD hours in online groups and workshops while developing your EFT skills with a small group of colleagues and peers.
“The same qualities that allow you to be compassionate toward others can leave you vulnerable to a cycle of stress, anxiety, and overwhelm that can lead to compassion fatigue, exhaustion, and burn out.”
Professional Development
In-person & remote coaching
Professional video training courses
Network of like-minded professionals
Successful Slide Presentations: Content For Coaches
This six-week course will help you create, refine, and practice your own, unique Forward Facing®️ presentation so you’ll be ready to share Forward Facing®️ with clients, colleagues, and peers.
You’ll receive,
- a 15-minute consultation before the course begins
- a 15-minute consultation at the conclusion of the course
- sample videos and step-by-step instructions
- personalized feedback from your instructor and your peers
Successful Slide Presentations: Presentations For Professionals
This six-week course This will help you create, refine, and practice your own, unique Forward Facing®️ presentation so you’ll be ready to share Forward Facing®️ with a professional audience.
You’ll receive,
- a 30-minute consultation before the course begins
- a 30-minute consultation at the conclusion of the course
- sample videos and step-by-step instructions
- personalized feedback from your instructor and your peers
Compassion Fatique & Secondary Trauma
Compassion Fatigue is a combination of physical, emotional, cognitive, moral, and spiritual exhaustion that professional care providers experience over time as a result of caring for clients with a history of trauma.
Living in a state of chronic stress, anxiety, and overwhelm can lead to compassion fatigue, exhaustion and burn out. It doesn’t have to be that way!
What if responding to your client’s needs is an invitation to embark upon a healing journey of your own?
Having worked with children and families in inpatient psychiatric hospitals, partial hospitalization programs, community mental health centers, and private practice for more than 25 years, I’m intimately acquainted with the debilitating effects of compassion fatigue.
Having witnessed the effect of compassion fatigue in the lives of colleagues, clients, and friends, I’m passionate about equipping coaches and therapists with simple and effective strategies to prevent the cycle of stress, anxiety, and overwhelm that can lead to compassion fatigue, exhaustion and burn out.
Our capacity for self-regulation must keep pace with the level of dysregulation experienced by those in our care.
When we experience
- demands that exceed our capacity to meet them
- insufficient resources to meet significant needs
- ongoing exposure to traumatic events, situations and traumatized people
- threats to personal safety
we are at risk for developing compassion fatigue.
Forward Facing® Coaching is based upon the pioneering work of J. Eric Gentry, PhD. Over the course of several Forward Facing® Coaching sessions, you’ll learn simple and effective strategies to renew resilience in the midst of the challenges you face every day.
Research demonstrates that the two key and critical ingredients for the prevention and treatment of compassion fatigue are the development and maintenance of a non-anxious presence and self validated caregiving.
According to Dr. Eric Gentry, attention to these two important areas, along with good self-care, renders the caregiver 100% resilient to the negative effects of caregiving.
To maintain a non-anxious presence and self-validation care providers must “re-fill” themselves with nurturing and active experiences.
As it turns out, the best treatment and prevention for compassion fatigue is to live a good life. J. Eric Gentry, PhD
Learn how you can begin to develop this essential foundation for self-regulation as you reconnect with yourself and those you love.
If their traumas have become your traumas…I can help
Let’s connect.
Contact me to schedule a complimentary consultation. I’ll be in touch with you soon.